It's that time! Can you believe it? If you haven't already signed up for Casting Call, please use the Linky below. I'm going to leave it open until Friday night, so feel free to jump in late. :)
That said, I introduce you to two of my characters:
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I decided to paint them in Photoshop, rather than spend the weekend searching for images online. |
Cryptic, I know, but I didn't want to reveal too many book-ish details yet. (Other than the fact that these two have a cute, physical contrast.) I'm still ironing things out, but I'll share more soon. I promise. ♥
Shout-out to my Casting Call co-hosts Melodie and Lisa! If you're not following them... well, you should be. :)
Thanks to everyone who is participating! This weekend, we'll select a random giveaway "winner" to receive a three-person, three-chapter critique. As Melodie said, "That's three pairs of eyes for the price of...well, nothing." *grins*
Last, but not least, thanks to everyone following these posts. It's so fun sharing with all of you. ♥
P.S. You can find my post on the animals in Zanesville here.
love the pics of your characters. Nice photoshop work. They sound interesting too.
Who are they? How are they connected? What's going on? I gots ta know!
The pics turned out great! I know you don't want to give away too much but I'm going to say that I absolutely heart Rena and Wallace since I'm a little bit "in the know"! You'll have to share some of your awesomeness later when you've got more things ironed out.
I like how you've presented this post and the characters. I heard that Stephen King based all his characters good and bad on himself!
Isn't it horrible when you have something in your head and you can't get it out just right? I wish there was a google search for attributes. Blonde, tall, blue eyes. I learned the hard way that if you actually search that you don't get anything you could put up on a writing blog. :)
Very cryptic. I would love to hear more. Thanks for the bloghop opportunity!
Cool artwork! It seems I can do everything in Photoshop except paint like that so kudos to you lol
Wow! I am not talented enough to even open up photoshop, lol. And what I love most about your characters are their names. :)
Your creativity is astonishing. Can I borrow some?
I'm with JeffO, I gotta know more! Guess I better get crackin' and read up on the contest. Be back later.
I love that you painted your characters! That's amazing. :)
Thanks for hosting this bloghop!
@Lynda - Thank you very much! :)
@JeffO - *Grins* Soon, soon!
@Lisa - Aww, thanks, Lisa! I appreciate that. :D I will definitely post more after I work a few things out.
@Madeleine - Really? I had no idea! That's pretty interesting, though. Thank you!
@Sarah - Yes! Oh my goodness. That would be perfect! (I almost did a spit take when I read your last sentence. *grins*)
@Dana - More details soon, I promise. Thank you! Oh, and thank you for participating. I'll be over to visit soon! :)
@A.E. Martin - Thank you! Aww, you should give it a try sometime. Digital painting is therapeutic. :D
@Cassie - I find that hard to believe. ;) Thank you! I love taking the time to research and name my characters. :) On my way over!
@Joylene - Hah! Why thank you. Anytime, anytime. *grins* Soon, I promise! :)
@Eagle - Thanks! Oh, you're welcome. Thank you for participating! I think it'll be a lot of fun. :D
Hey, how come Lisa is in the know? *pouts* :)
Seriously, you gotta give us more. A logline? A blurb? Instructions on creating our own characters in PhotoShop?
@Melodie - *Grins* Lisa is one of my beloved, awesome critters! But if you're up for a beta read sometime--*indiscreetly points to her inbox*--just let me know. ;) I'm still working on the blurb. Soon, though, I promise!
As for instructions on creating your own characters in Photoshop. That I could do! Maybe that could be my next vlog video thing. Hmm...
Wow, I'm impressed with your pic. Nice effort.
I wish I could paint my characters! :) I love the physical contrast, I always smile when I see one of my petite friends dating a guy like twice her height. :)
@Wendy - Thank you, Wendy! :)
@Bethany - Aww, you should try painting them sometime! It's pretty fun. (Hard, but fun!) Hah! Yeah, mismatched couples are adorable. :)
I'm impressed with the results from Photoshop. I wouldn't know where to start doing something like that.
@Botanist - Thank you! Melodie mentioned something like that, too. I think I might do a video on casual painting in Photoshop sometime. :)
Very impressive :) I know what you mean about having a specific image in your head and not being able to match that though.
Okay, I entered the bloghop and wrote an entry scheduled to post on Wednesday morning. And thanks for commenting over at my place today! Wasn't sure if you meant it as an Edward Cullen lover or hater. I'm ambivalent myself, but he made a good simile.
You painted your characters in Photoshop? You're so talented! They look gorgeous.
Great job with the photoshop images! Very evocative! My Casting Call Post will go up Friday! :D
I don't picute Rena and Wallace like that either. LOL. I think we always make up the best pictures in our mind. I'm a little late getting back on blogger but will post for this this week and check out the other posts. :) Very arsty with the photoshop btw. :)
^^ Woot. I'll post up about an OC of mine tomorrow. ~wiggles~ I love getting to know my characters more.
I love how specific your details are! Oh, and I'm 5'2" and dated a guy 6'4". In my prom picture, I'm wearing four inch heels. Prom was at the state capitol building, and pictures were taken on the marble stairs. I stood up a stair from him and was STILL shorter. :)
@Linda - Thank you! It's crazy, isn't it? You'd think it'd be easier!
@Nancy - Fantastic! I can't wait to see it. :) Oh, I'm indifferent. Your reference just caught me off guard. *grins*
@Jennifer - Yep. Oh, thank you! I appreciate that. :D
@Jon Paul - Thank you! I can't wait. We love having you as a participant. :)
@Laila - Hah! Be honest... is it because I didn't paint a hippo? *grins* Thank you! I can't wait to see it!
@KCarey - Awesome! I'll be sure to check it out! :D Thank you for participating!
@Pegasus - Thank you. :) Hah! I bet those were some hilariawesome photos.
Nice job on the photoshopping! I love the 3 dimensional look you've provided with your shading.
^^ And, blog post updated. I'll check around to the others in a little while, can't wait to see more of everyone's characters.
What a fun idea for a bloghop! Perfect thing to destressify me... at least for now. =]
@Donna - Thank you! That's really kind of you. :)
@KCarey - On my way over. I can't wait to see it! :D
@Riley - Thank you! Oh, I so know what you mean. *grins*
I'd do mine by hand with photoshop, but stick figures don't do my characters justice.
The pictures are great. I don't know how to use photo shop at all. I marvel at those who do know how to do all these awesome things.
That's so cool you made those yourself! I like your characters.:)
@Basil - *grins* Aww, but stick figures are so cute and trendy!
@M.J. Fifield - Thank you! It takes awhile to get the hang of it, but it's fun to play around with. :)
@Lydia - Thank you, Lydia! I appreciate that. :D
The pictures are beautiful! I'm with everyone else in wanting to know more about them :)
Thanks for hosting this blog hop - it's a lot of fun!
@Morgan - Thank you! Oh, don't worry. I will definitely shed more light on their characters soon.
You're very welcome. Thank you for participating! :)
Wow, you are awesome at Photoshop! I wouldn't have a clue how to do that!
That was a blast! Thanks for sharing your idea for the bloghop with all of us.
@Rachel - Aww, thanks! :) I'm thinking of doing a casual Photoshop tutorial sometime. It might be fun.
@Shelley - Thank you! I'm really glad you like them! :)
@Dana - It was Melodie's idea. I'm merely one of her co-hosts, but thank you very much! I'm glad you had fun. :)
Came here via Bonnie Rae's own cast call post for this!
Just wanted to say, such a great idea and fun too, I'm a bit late for it but will go looking for my characters too. It'll definitely give my motivation a boost for upcoming NanoWrimo!
@Patricia - Thank you for stopping by! Late or not, we're glad to have you. I'll definitely be over to see your post. Good luck with NaNoWriMo! :)
@Cassie Mae - Oh my goodness. Thank you so much! :)
Oooh, so fun! I love this Carrie!!!
@Lindsay - Thank you! :D
LOL Rena is almost my same measurements xD (hey, it's exciting to me :P) Haha that aside, I love getting a glimpse of your characters! I can't wait to find out more about them :)
@Sally - You can be her stunt double! *grins* Thank you!
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