Thursday, September 25, 2014

Follow Fest '14!

My friend/CP Melissa Maygrove is doing her popular blogfest again! Don't worry. It's not too late to sign up. You can do so here. :)

Name: Carrie Butler
Fiction or nonfiction? Both
What genres do you write? Paranormal romance, urban fantasy, contemporary romance, and fantasy—thus far. 
Are you published? Yep! You can find my catalog here.
Do you do anything in addition to writing? I own a graphic design business called Forward Authority.

Tell us a little about yourself.
How about three random facts?

When I'm sick, I watch sci-fi TV/movies or old anime. That's my comfort zone.
I have a rescue puppy that turned 8 months old this week!

Which authors influenced you the most? Initially, it was Gena Showalter, Rachel Gibson, and Janet Evanovich.

Where can people connect with you? ↓↓↓

My Favorite Virtual Haunts:
Twitter  |  Facebook  |  Pinterest  |  Goodreads  |  Google+
My Websites:  Author Website  |  Design Business
My Blogs: So, You're a Writer  |  NA Alley  |  Book-centric Musings
Other Social Media:  LinkedIn  |  Klout  |  YouTube  |  Tumblr  |  WattPad
Retailer Profiles: Amazon
Do you have a newsletter?
I do! It's casual and infrequent—typically once a month or less to talk about new releases, appearances, etc. I'vealso been known to do subscriber-only giveaways... ;)

Is there anything else you’d like us to know? 
I'm at #NALitChat every Thursday night at 9:00 p.m. EDT/EST
It's 4:23 a.m. and I have no idea what I'm typing anymore...

2nd Question of the Week:
Are you doing Follow Fest this year?


Dani said...

I love that you watch sci-fi tv/movies when you sick, I also find tv/movies very helping in my sickness healing process. I usually go for LOTR, Hobbit, epic-y types. I like Gena Showalter too!
Yes, I did Follow Fest this year!

Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

That's my comfort zone as well, Carrie!

Unknown said...

I'm also living with a puppy! Oh the joys!

Melissa said...

Thanks for the shout-out and taking part in the fest! :)

ELAdams said...

Hopping over from the Follow Fest! I love watching movies/anime when I don't feel like doing anything else!

Anonymous said...

HP or SW movies are my comfort zone :-) I can't wait for Gena's new book next week!!

kiki said...

I'm a sci fi movie person too and even some really old ones too

Nick Wilford said...

This is a fun fest. We've had four rescue dogs - our youngest is about to turn one. They grow up so fast, eh? :)

Mark said...

Great to learn more about you...but, whoa...I didn't see the firearm coming;)

E. Arroyo said...

Is that a real gun? I want you on my Doom Squad when the zombies come. lol

Madeline Mora-Summonte said...

Stopping by from the Follow Fest! Enjoyed those three random facts. :)

Trish Esden said...

Great to meet you, Carrie. I'm a #NAChat lurker and I'm looking forward to NA alley's re-launch. Most of my CPs write YA, but I've ended up moving from upper YA to selling a NA trilogy. Seems like a good time to expand my circle of writing friends.

Sheena-kay Graham said...

Yup and I'm in my second year of this fun fest. Love your targeted activities Carrie. I did my post the same day it was posted but thankfully I could do it at a later time. I'm trying to get into #Kidlit. I might use my Roe account to check out #NALitChat.

Cathrina Constantine said...

Hello, Carrie nice to meet you again!!!

Renee said...

Hi Carrie, it's nice to meet you! I love your graphic design work!

Dani and Jax said...

Going to the shooting range might have to be a new activity Cover Girls can do together! So glad we stopped by, it's nice meeting someone who seems totally cool and fun!

Loni Townsend said...

Happy monthly birthday, Tucker!

cleemckenzie said...

8 month already? We need a picture update, Carrie.

Ava Quinn said...

I totally thought I was already following you, Carrie. I've remedied that! I also enjoy target based activities. I once shot a .357 and performed better than my husband with it. Great to finally follow you at Follow Fest!


Catherine Stine said...

I have to check out NA lit chat!

Donna K. Weaver said...

Haha! Love that picture. Is that you?

Carrie Butler said...

Oh, yes. Curling up with a blanket and some distracting entertainment is the best medicine!

...Aside from real medicine. :)

Carrie Butler said...

High five, Alex! :D

Carrie Butler said...

The joys, indeed! What kind? :D

Carrie Butler said...

Thanks for hosting! <3

Carrie Butler said...

Yes! Gena is so great at pulling you into her world. :D

Carrie Butler said...

They certainly do. I think he's going to be the same size as me!

Carrie Butler said...

Good, then I have effectively concealed it! *grins*

Carrie Butler said...

Absolutely! Don't worry. I'm certified and licensed.

I won't let the zombies get you! ;)

Carrie Butler said...

Your wish is my command! I'll have one up tomorrow. :D

Carrie Butler said...

Then the blogfest was successful! :) And that's awesome!!

Carrie Butler said...

You do! We're a very welcoming bunch. :)

Carrie Butler said...

Thank you! :) It is! (Back when my hair dye was still fresh.)

Carrie Butler said...

It's nice to take a break from the world every now and then! :)

Carrie Butler said...

There's something so immersive about the genre!

Carrie Butler said...

Thanks for stopping by, Madeline! :D

Carrie Butler said...

Great to meet you, too, Pat! You'll have to speak up at #NALitChat sometime. We'd love to have your insight! :)

Carrie Butler said...

Thank you so much, Renee! I appreciate that. :)

Carrie Butler said...

Thanks, Loni! I'm going to have a picture of him up tomorrow. He's getting so big!

Carrie Butler said...

You should definitely check out #NALitChat, Sheena-kay! We'd be happy to have you. :)

Oo, I can't wait to hear more about your kid lit project!

Carrie Butler said...

Nice to meet you again, too, my friend! :)

Carrie Butler said...

It totally should be! :) I'm glad you stopped by, too. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

I love sci fi tv shows as well and they make me better when I’m feeling down. Some of my favorite ones are Battlestar Galactica, Doctor Who, The X-Files and TerraNova.

Carrie Butler said...

Aww, Stacy, we could've been friends. Where is Firefly on that list? LOL

Kidding, kidding. We can still be friends. :D