*Cough* Anyway, without further ado, here's the woman of the hour!
What Ice Cream Describes Your First Kiss by Cassie Mae
Thanks to Carrie for letting me post for my FRIDAY NIGHT ALIBI tour!
Time for a quiz!

In FRIDAY NIGHT ALIBI, there’s this thing called THE ICE CREAM CONTRACT.
I’ll just paste it here because it’s easier, lol.
So, straight from the book… The Ice Cream Contract
Your best friend in the whole world is the first person you tell when you get your first kiss from a new guy. And you do not say a word! You buy ice cream that describes the kiss for your best bud. Was it French Vanilla? S’more, Please? Starlight Mint?
You must dish out the ice cream, then dish about the kiss. You may then spread the gossip if you want. But the best friend is bound to secrecy about the details.
-I mean it, Sades! You can’t be a big mouth!
-Lips are totally sealed!
The ice cream must be exchanged the day after the event occurred. If this rule is not followed, the best friend is allowed to say you kissed Bobby Morgan. And you liked it!
-That means you, Kelli! THE DAY AFTER!
-You play dirty. Okay, okay.
This contract goes into effect as soon as the signees kiss the back of their hands and cross them over their hearts.
Kelli Pinkins (Kissed and crossed!)
Sadie Poulsen (Crossed and kissed!)
So, here’s a little quiz to find out what ice cream you could’ve used to describe your first kiss! And if you haven’t been kissed yet, just answer what you think it’ll be like. ;)
Enjoy :) And thanks, Carrie!
Don’t forget to check out my book, and find out what Kelli Pinkins describes her first kiss as ;)

Very first kiss? Rocky Road!
I got better...
I don't remember my first kiss. What are we counting as first kiss? I was 8 at the time.
LMAO at Alex's answer!
I got Cotton Candy! :D
Cotton Candy!
I got Baseball Nut ice cream. :)
I'm going w/Rocky Road as well. Yep. Or something nervous. What's a nervous flavor of ice cream? Coffee??? :D
Cotton candy!
Goodness, a flavor of ice cream? Is there one for sneak thief?
The first kiss that really counted? It was Dulce de Leche.
Bubble gum-- I blame a stupid party game. Never mind. Enough said.
Cassie-- fun to see you here. :) Fun post!
This is hilarious. Nice idea.
I got Icing On the Cake ice cream for my first kiss with a cheating jerkwad. I demand a different flavor! LOL
Seriously, though. Yay for Cassie! :)
You forgot 'put away the breakables.'
Kiss ice cream?
I can't tell you what flavor it was 'cause I never opened my lips. LOL
(I got better, too, Alex. :P)
Congratulations, Cassie. :)
*looks at broken shards on the floor* We can't have anything nice! :P
LOL I bet your wife has something to do with the improvement. ;)
Sounds like you were quite the heart-breaker! ;)
Woohoo! :)
That's a popular result, today! :)
I'm going to have to look that one up. LOL
Yes! That's a good one. :D
Yay! :D
Oo la la! :)
Now we're all intrigued! LOL
I agree. :D
This is what the description says...
"The make-out kiss when you keep getting jabbed by body parts you weren't sure really existed LIKE THAT before."
Yeah...sounds about right, lol.
Hahaha! I love it. :D
My flavor would be neopolitan. That's because it's vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry, but you have to pick and choose which flavor you want to eat. Then you don't end up eating the strawberry, and it sits in the fridge uneaten until someone either eats it or throws it out. And my first kiss was, um, well, about two-thirds great but one-third I could have done without.
If only there were do-overs in life, right? ;) Thanks for stopping by, Nigel!
Oh dear, I can't remember that far back, but it was probably something like Rocky Road--a little mushy, somewhat nutty and definitely sticky.
Haha! :)
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