1. P.K. Hrezo and I will be posting information regarding the HOW I FOUND THE WRITE PATH e-book on Thursday. In the meantime, would you consider helping us get it free? Here is the Amazon Kindle link: www.amazon.com/How-Found-Write-Path-Compilation-ebook/dp/B00NEXVQBM
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Thank you so much. :)
2. My good friend L.G. Kelso is here today—actually, the main character from her debut FIERCE is here today, so you'd better pay attention. This is not a girl you want to cross... ;)
Am I talking about L.G. or her character Tori? Maybe both!
Hi! This is Tori Rhoads, and I've been asked to share my top ten favorite moves. Here they are, in no particular order:
1. Sacrifice Throw. There are multiple types of sacrifice throws. Sacrifice throws can be dangerous as they involve taking yourself down to get your opponent down. The video demonstrates my favorite one.
2. Spinning elbow. I love me some elbows.
3. Spinning backhand. Maybe I just like spinning?
4. Muay thai roundhouse kicks (thai kicks). Kicking is one my favorites.
5. Hip throws.
6. Triangle (see video for a basic triangle).
7. Omaplata
8. Kimura
9. Anaconda (see video).
10. The Peruvian.
And now a video from Tori's stunt-double, L.G. Kelso!
About the video: There are four moves that occur in Fierce that are demonstrated in this video. This includes the sacrifice throw done by Tori in a scene toward the end of the novel, an anaconda and a triangle--both of these are chokes used in fight scenes in Fierce. It also includes a modified no-Gi clock choke which is called the Bennet Choke in Fierce. It is the signature move used by character Will Bennet and the move that drastically impacted Tori (staying spoiler free here but this move is an important one for the book).
About the Book
Tori’s MMA career was
taking off, until she beat the wrong man. Her training partner, nursing a
bruised ego, snapped—shattering her trust and confidence.Three years later,
Tori’s keeping her fists to herself as she struggles to put herself through
college. But when a group of gangbangers hassle her at work, old habits kick in
and her fists fly. Max Estrada, a frequent diner customer, steps in and gets
them out of hot water, but Tori is still fired… days before tuition is due.

With her life on the
ropes, Tori will have to face the past for a shot at winning back her future,
or carry the weight of a loss even greater than before.
About the Author
L.G. Kelso is a fantasy
and contemporary novelist. Having grown up watching Xena and Hercules with her
grandmother, she inherited her passion for all things magic, paranormal and
mythological. She also has a probably unhealthy obsession with martial arts,
and as a boxer she strives to give readers an authentic view of MMA in her
contemporary sports novel.
Tour Giveaway
Question of the Week:
Do you have a signature move?
Don't think I'm messing with her!
I have a signature move when killing Diablo. Probably not the same...
And cool the book is now available!
Congrats to LG. Fierce sounds awesome!
Sacrifice throws ... sounds awesome! I tried to watch the video, but it kept saying it's private. :(
I've actually interviewed some teens in the MMA world and written articles about those training for MMA. At first I was leery, but after chatting with a few of them I realized how impressive they are - high achieving, accelerated goal-setting young people. And they are serious about what they do and seem to love it!
Lol! Ah Diablo. Thanks for reading!
Thank you, Cathrina!
I changed the video settings so try it now, SA.
That's great you interviewed them. It's definitely a sport that doesn't always reflect how much goes into it/behind the scenes. Before I started it, I thought it was super dumb lol. And then I participated and witnessed the amount of work and dedication involved and that it is a lot more than just beating people up. Thanks for reading!
Congrats to L.G. Her book sounds good and that's an awesome cover.
This video is awesome! Thanks for showing up some moves from FIERCE, LG. Really adds a lot to a novel I've read and loved a few times over. :)
Thanks Natalie! Isn't it cool- Carrie designed it
Thanks, B! It was fun to make
Love the video! I don't know anything about fighting so it's nice to see some examples.
Thanks Carrie for hosting a tour stop!
First, best instructional video for a book release ever. Second, I've had a Peruvian cocktail and it was delicious. Totally made me want to kick some ass. :) Congrats, LG! :D
Write Path is now free btw!
Thanks, Candace!
Thanks, EJ!
Sounds like an interesting drink lol.
You're a star! :D
Congratulations, LG. :)
Lol! Thanks, Mel!
Hi, Carrie, Hi, LG...
Congrats on the book! LOVE a woman who KNOWS who she is and Tori seems to KNOW what she wants and GOES FOR IT!
All the best with your book, LG!
Congrats, LG! It's great to see a video tied with the list. :)
Woot for How I Found The Write Path! It's free!
Thank you, Michael!
Thank you, Loni!
And yes, Carrie, go The Write Path!!!!
Fierce sounds groovy, and...gulp, truly fierce:)
Congrats to LG!
I got my copy of The Write Path!
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