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"Who? Me?" |
4. They both require a lot of time and effort. Potty breaks, playtime, grooming, walks, feeding, etc. Not to mention everything you need to do for a puppy! *ba-dum-tssch!*
3. In order to enjoy either of them, you'll need a freakish amount of patience and dedication.
(Note: This is not the Patience you need.)
2. If you leave a great story idea alone, it'll steal your focus; if you leave a puppy alone, he'll steal your shoes...
1. Regardless of the obstacles they present, I love them both. :)
Question of the Week:
Are you a cat person or a dog person?
Sounds like you and your little buddy are having a good time. Great post.
Very cute post. Tucker is adorable. All of these are dead on, but #3 totally hits it home for me. lol
Before a few months ago, I would have proclaimed to the hills that I'm a dog person. I still am, but a few months ago, we got our youngest child two kittens. I've never had kittens before, so I've been pleasantly surprised how much I like them. I think we lucked out, though. Both have personalities of their own and they've been really well-behaved. Even our dog of eight years likes them.
What a cutie!! And very fun post :) I've been wanting a dog for quite a while now, but my landlords are a pain. I'm not really a dog or cat person though--more of an animal person, I guess!
What a cutie.
Dog person. End of story.
Dog person, all the way. I have 3 of them (plus my husband is allergic to cats).
Tucker is adorable! I just want to scratch him behind those floppy little ears.
Tucker looks too cute in the photos :-)
My daughter is allergic to cats so dogs it is. I'm hoping to get one for her as a birthday gift. I have a feeling I'll be discovering just how much caring for a doggie is like writing for myself lol!!
What a cutie! My son's super-sweet pup chewed up my $70 Mac power cord and part of our living room chair. Yah! I still love him, though that was a real test!
Am I allowed to say they both come with a lot of crap? lol. And I'm definitely a dog person. So cute!
That was hilarious! Yes, they will steal your shoes and anything else they can find. Maybe even eat it.
Your pup is a cutie.
Awwwww. Tucker!
I like cats, but not the upkeep (spelled 'litter box') or the shredded furniture.
I'm a dog person. :)
Love your puppy. He looks a lot like mine. She steals socks and paper, not shoes. I keep both out of her reach now. I used to love cats, but now I'm a dog person completely.
Such a cutie! I LOVE all animals and since I am highly allergic to cats... Pups are for me!
I'm a lifelong animal lover (except for squirrels), and love both dogs and cats. I probably like cats a bit more than dogs, but I must admit that one typically has more of a relationship with dogs than with cats. Cats are more self-sufficient and don't necessarily seek out human companionship or attention. My other favorite pets are rabbits, horses, guinea pigs, pigs, and goats. Someday I want to have my own small hobby farm so I can have room for all these animals, and be able to use some of them for non-meat food, like goat milk.
We really are! He's teaching me not to be so much of a workaholic. :)
Thanks, Donna!
It's the present he'll leave in your shoe you have to watch out for.
Moody Writing
That's it, I'm coming out for a visit!
I love anything with four legs and have probably had them all at some point in time. Good luck with the puppy year. It's fun even when your costs go up in the shoe department.
Great post, Carrie. Thanks! And according to all my profile pics, I'm a dog guy. lake
Cat person all the way. But I know a cute pup when I see one. Pets and writing do require patience but they're both worth it if you love them.
I'm actually a cat person (I have to say that because my cat is currently staring at me), but puppies are so adorable!
He is such a sweetie. I love both cats and dogs, though if there was some sort of law that said I could only have one, I would have a dog. But only if I had a yard. If I lived in an apartment, I'd get a cat.
Maybe one day Tucker will have a children's book named after him???
Now that's a comparison I've never seen before. :P But I like it.
I like dogs, but I'm a Leo, and I get along better with cats - friends of mine have sworn I speak cat. I don't own one and never have, but I figure that if I need one in my life, one will show up. ^_^
How can I focus on all those fun comparisons when I'm looking at all that puppy cuteness??? Oh yeah - you're awesome!
That is the cutest puppy EVER. Yep. Cutest.
Hugs, Carrie!
Cute puppy,sounds like you are having wonderful together!
Yes, in my experience, a story's tendency to nag at me mercilessly until I write it is my main motivation for writing. Maybe that's more like a cat that will jump into your lap and walk across the keyboard until you pay attention to it. Whatever pet metaphor works, I guess.
Thanks, SA! :)
Doesn't that always seem to happen? Whenever I make any kind of proclamation, life does its best to turn it around. LOL
Thanks, Meradeth! :)
Aww, man. I hope you eventually land somewhere without restrictions!
Thanks, Jeff! That's what I consider myself, too. :)
Oh, he'd LOVE that. He prances up to people and waits, giving the puppy dog eyes. LOL
Thanks, Angela!
Aww, talk about a memorable birthday. If you do go through with it, I expect to see plenty of photos on your blog! ;)
Ahhhh! They love to test us, don't they? Mine is in the teething stage, too, so nothing is safe!
LOL Very true...
Thank you! :)
Thanks, Captain! :) I learned firsthand about the eating thing this week. He's like a sneaky little garbage disposal! LOL
I grew up with a cat around, but she was kind of a sociopath... xD
Thanks, Natalie! I think mine read your comment and took notes. Afterward, he tried to steal my sock... while I was wearing it! LOL
Thank you, Michael! :)
Seems we have a lot of cat allergies around here. My nephew is the same way. It's horrible!
Now I'm wondering what the squirrels did to get on your bad side...
Oh, wow. A hobby farm sounds so cool! I hope you're able to make it happen someday. :)
I just fought the urge to run to my shoes and check. *gulp*
Yes! :D
Thank you, Lee! :) He's definitely fun, but I have a feeling I'll need that luck!
Thanks, Lake! :) Great looking dog you have in your profile pic!
Agreed about them being worth it! Thanks, Sheena-kay. :)
I don't blame you. Cats hold grudges! Haha :)
I would LOVE that! :) Maybe it'll go on my bucket list. Hmm...
And it's that sort of consideration that makes people (and animals) love you! :)
What can I say? I have puppy on the brain!
Oo, you could be the Cat Whisperer!
Thanks, Leigh! :) That's pretty much how my work is going these days. How can I outline this chapter when he's giving me puppy eyes...
I'm doomed!
Thanks, Empress King! Hugs back at ya. :D
Thanks, Nas! We're having a great time. (Aside from me having to crawl into a pee-soaked crate to lean a few hours ago. Tucker experienced his first thunderstorm, and it didn't go over well...)
Good point. Cats don't just ask for attention, they demand it!
Oh my god, he's adorable!!! So cute! What a great, fun post :)
Thanks, Liz! <3
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