Friday, April 18, 2014

[Blog Hop] Getting to Know You

You guys know about the Like a Virgin pitch contest hosted by Kristina Perez and Rhiann Wynn Nolet, right? Well, now that we’re just a few days off from judging, they’re hosting a special “Getting to Know You” blog hop. Since I’m judging, I thought I’d participate, too! :)

1. How do you remember your first kiss?
Awkward and forgettable—just like the guy who kissed me!

(The relationship didn't end well. Can you tell? LOL)

2. What was your first favorite love song?
When I was little, I used to love the song “Somewhere Somehow” by Michael W. Smith and Amy Grant. 

3. What’s the first thing you do when you begin writing for the day?
I stretch out, because I know I’m going to be glued to that chair for a while. Then it's time to reread where I left off!   

4. Who’s the first writer who truly inspired you to become a writer?
Janet Evanovich. I loved the quirky, first-person POV she used in her Stephanie Plum series. It was easy to relate to, which made it all the more easy to get lost in.  
5. Did the final revision of your first book have the same first chapter it started with? No, not even close. LOL
6. For your first book, which came first: major characters, plot or setting?
Plot! Strength—and ultimately, the whole Mark of Nexus series—started as a "what if" scenario. What if a unique, supernatural race lived among us? What if there was more than one? How would the world stay in balance? 

I listened to music while I plotted out a few points, and the 2005 Five for Five cover of "All I Know" came on. Oh my goodness. The lyrics—especially the first few lines about bruising each other—really struck me.  As I considered them, the figurative meaning morphed into a more literal scenario. How tortured a man with uncontrollable strength must be... falling in love for the first time... unable to touch the woman he loves without hurting her...  
That's how the romance element fell into place. ♥
Yes, that is my boilerplate answer to this question. LOL
7. What’s the first word you want to roll off the tip of someone’s tongue when they think of your writing? Captivating. I want to hold their attention completely! (I guess I’m selfish like that. LOL) I’d settle for hilarious, though. ;)   

What about you guys?
Any of these questions you'd like to answer in the comments? :D

Have a great weekend!


Alex J. Cavanaugh said...

I listen to music to inspire me.
And I think everyone's first kiss basically sucked.

Carrie Butler said...

Music always helps! :)

Unknown said...

I love Stephanie Plumb. I'm sad the movie was such a poor representation. *sigh.

Carrie Butler said...

Oh, me too! I was so disappointed. *double sigh*

RW said...

Funny how first kisses in real life are rarely like the ones in fiction, huh? Thanks for participating in the blog hop portion of #LV14 :D

Sheena-kay Graham said...

Books go through major transformations from start to finish. A lot like people.

Anonymous said...

Very cool. I find humor like Ms Plum very hard to do so kudos for being able to do that. Good luck.

Loni Townsend said...

I'd say captivating is a good description for your books. :D

Anonymous said...

I loved that song! I totally forgot about it until you mentioned it. Your books sound fabulous. I think I need to hop on my nook and check them out tonight. :)

Kathryn Thornton said...

I love the what if scenarios that make me think how would I react in that situation, how would the world change. Like Tom Perrotta's The Leftovers, what if half the population just vanished.

Unknown said...

Thanks for joining in, Carrie! I remember when Amy Grant was cool ;-)

Kim Long said...

Wow, I remember that song. I actually used to jog to an Amy Grant CD--like years ago. I remember there being a couple songs I really liked. Now I have to track it down. Good luck!

Unknown said...

I do a lot of stretching AS I write. Most of the time, my laptop sits on a box on the kitchen table. Half the time I'm dictating, so no bad back. No carpal tunnel.

Mara Rae said...

omg amy grant. you're taking me back, carrie!

Carrie Butler said...

It is! If only they were more like their fictional counterparts. :)

No problem!

Carrie Butler said...

Well said, Sheena-kay! :D

Carrie Butler said...

It's something I aspire to, at least! Thank you. :)

Carrie Butler said...

D'aww... thank you, Loni! <3

Carrie Butler said...

Blast from the past, right?!

And that's awesome! Thank you. :D

Carrie Butler said...

Oo, now I want to read that book! Sounds intriguing... :)

Carrie Butler said...

No problem, Kristina! :) Remembering when Amy Grant was cool doesn't date us, does it? LOL

Carrie Butler said...

I LOVE rediscovering old music! Instant nostalgia. :) Thanks, Kim!

Carrie Butler said...

That's very smart, Connie! Good call. :)

Carrie Butler said...

Yay! :D

Shannon Renee said...

I love your answer to #6! I'm often inspired by lyrics, but I can't listen to music while I write otherwise all I do is dance and sing along. :)
Thanks for taking the time to join the blog hop and for helping judge the contest too! Much appreciated!!!

Unknown said...

I grew up listening to Michael Smith and Amy Grant! Thank you for judging!

Nas said...

I loved reading about you Carrie. Thanks for sharing. And yes I relate to the back pain and carpal tunnel.

Geni P said...

Can you remind us all to stretch? I need that. The perma-hunch of couch + laptop is deadly. Great post Good luck!

Misha Gerrick said...

Dang I can't believe I missed this contest. SIGH. Stupid publishing house. *shakes head*

I tend to turn on music first thing before I write. :-)

Melissa said...

You definitely hit #7 out of the park, on both counts! :)

Carrie Butler said...

D'aww... thanks, Melissa! <3

Carrie Butler said...

Don't worry! I'm sure it won't be the only one this year. :)

Carrie Butler said...

Absolutely! We can all bust out the balance balls, too! Those feel fantastic. :D Thank you!

Carrie Butler said...

That's awesome! :) And you're very welcome, Monica!

Carrie Butler said...

Thank you, Nas! I appreciate you stopping by. :D

Carrie Butler said...

Haha! I get in moods like that. When I'm cleaning, all I do is dance and sing with music on. :)

You're very welcome!