It was just after midnight, and I was spiraling. You know how that goes, right? After months of sweating it out in Query Hell, I was starting to wonder if I had taken the wrong path.
I mean, I knew it would be hard pitching a yet-to-be-established category (New Adult). I knew I could be setting myself up for disappointment and failure. I just didn’t realize what a toll it would take on my sanity motivation confidence.
That’s when the email came.
I braced myself for rejection. Seriously, I held up my hand and looked through the cracks between my fingers. As I skimmed the page, eight words stood out from the rest:
“We would love to offer you a contract...”
My vision went hazy with color, and little bells rang in my ears. Huh? Did I read that wrong?
“We would love to offer you a contract...”
I read it over and over, like the words were going to morph into the finger and tell me to go to bed—but they didn’t. (Thank goodness! Can you imagine how creepy that would be?) I couldn't process it.
Needless to say, I didn't reply that night. I was too lightheaded, too shocked. So I pretended to sleep for five hours.
By the time I “woke up” the next morning, I had convinced myself it was a dream. I did the zombie-stumble to my computer and brought up my email.
“We would love to offer you a contract...”
That’s when it really hit me.
I responded right away and had a chance to swap messages with one of the fabulous co-owners. Remember the 2nd panel from my comic last week? It was like that. She GOT my story! I was elated!
We talked a bit more, and she sent me the contract. You can probably guess what's coming next.
I’m pleased to announce:
I HAVE A BOOK DEAL with Sapphire Star Publishing!
![]() |
Signing the Contract |
I am on the right path. I am on my way to achieving my dream. This IS happening!
A big shout-out to The Man Upstairs, my family, my critique partners, my beta readers, my friends, and everyone who has supported me in the past year and a half. Thank you so much! You’ll never know how much I appreciate it. *Hugs*
Next, a huge thank-you to Sapphire Star Publishing (SSP) for believing in my work. I am beyond thrilled to work with you all! :)
(Side note: I am so impressed with this publisher already!)
Finally, a special shout-out to my critique-partners-turned-pub-sisters Lisa & Nancy! I am so excited to take this step with you two!
I know the real work is ahead of me, but I’m up for the challenge. So, what do you guys say? Will you join me for the next leg of my journey? :)
P.S. Strength has a release date!
I told you I loved big news! I just saw this announced on Facebook and I came right over! YEAH FOR YOU!!!!! I'm so happy for you!!!
Enjoy every moment.
Best of luck!
Holy awesomeness, Carrie! I am SO, SO, SO happy for you! *high fives*
Congratulations!!! *tosses pitchfork aside, throws confetti!*
This is such HUGE news and I'm so happy this is happening for you.
Yay! Congratulations!!!!!!
Congrats, sista! I wish you SUCCESS!
Fantastic! I knew a few people with them (Nicky Wells and Mandy Baggot)and they've nothing but good things to say!
WHAT! That is AWESOME!!! Aah countdown to reading YOUR BOOK starts now!
Woot Woot! This is fabulous news. And I'm so excited for you. Isn't it the best feeling ever. Congratulations!!! *doing a happy dance for YOU*
I'm so excited for you, Carrie! This is the best news possible. And we're pub sisters now! The Three Amigas! You're gonna love being a part of the SSP family because that is truly what we are: a family. I can't wait to go on this part of your journey with you. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! You made it!!
What an awesome description of getting the big news! You are so talented. Very deserving. I can't wait for your book to come out! Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, wow. I am so happy for you, Carrie! You just don't know! I've been silently pulling for you for some time now, hoping you'd get a break. Your writing is so good. SSP won't be sorry. And neither will tons of readers out there. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
Now, as to the fact I'm reading this on your website and not in a special preview private email... :P
That's terrific news! I am so pleased for you :O)
Well done!
Congratulations! Isn't it great when hard work and determination pay off? Good luck with everything. Hopefully this first gigantic leap forward opens many new doors for you.
Oh, my freakin' heck, Carrie! I got shivers reading that! Congratulations!!
Squee!!!! Now we can add S Publishing to that awesome list of New Adult accepting publishers. That's so awesome Carrie! Hearts you lots and so proud of you, NA Sister :D
I was so so so hoping this was your BIG NEWS!!! Congratulations my dear!!!!!!!!!
DUDE!!! how the heck am i so late to this party!?!?! im soo happy! i cant believe this day is finally here!!! *explodes* im soo proud of you ;; i have tears of joy!
Yay, and congrats!! So, so excited for you!
Congratulations, Carrie! That is awesome.
CONGRATULATIONS!! Super news Carrie! Break out the champagne! :D
Congrats!!! That's fantastic!!
Great news, Carrie!!!!! So happy and excited for you.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! Omg ong omg I am freaking out over here!!! So happy for you Carrie! How did I miss this?? Eeeeekkkk!!!
Congratulations! This is such exciting news! It gives this aspiriting New Adult writer hope for her own future.
I am so thrilled for you Carrie! You totally deserve this moment, one of many successes to come. :)
That is beyond awesome!! I am so happy for you!!
Congrats Carrie.
That's FREAKING AWESOME! Congrats. Enjoy the day, my friend!
Yippee! Go Carrie, go Carrie, it's your birthday...well, no it's not. IT'S BETTER! You're getting PUBLISHED! *doing the wave with the other commenters*
PS. Now you need to make a countdown button we can post on our blogs. :)
I'm am so thrilled for you, Carrie! This is such excellent news! And it's just the beginning of so many more amazing, beautiful things to come. YOU ROCK.
Holy crap congratulations!!!!! One day I will see this email...
Carrie!!!! This is so awesome. I am so happy for you! You deserve all the best.
Congratulations Carrie - how exciting!
That's amazing. Congrats on all that sweat and tears paying off ;)
Congrats! I hope you sell tons of books!
HEH HEH WOO!!! so excited i had to comment twice! good job love! *hug*
Woooooo! That is GREAT big news!
YAHOOOOOOOOOO!!! So excited for you:) Congrats, congrats,congrats~cheers *clinking my glass*
Congrats, Carrie! Welcome aboard!
Congratulations seems like such a small word for what has happened to you...yeeee hawwwww!
Big news indeed. Not to mention Hallelujah! Congratulations!!!
Congrats. Awesome news. Looking forward to your release and hearing all the details from now until publication. *squeal*
Dear gods, that's amazing! CONGRATULATIONS! Hope you don't come down off this high for at least a month or so. Maybe never. ^_^
So excited for you! And I'm so excited that you and your CPs are Pub Siblings, too! You're going to love that in a million ways. I am so happy!!! CONGRATS!!
Thank you for allowing me the chance of living this moment with you. I am so thrilled, happy, elated, giddy. It couldn't happen to a nicer more talented writer. Woo Hoo!!!
What wonderful news. Congratulations!!!
Yay, congrats, Carrie! :D That's so awesome!
I haven't been over herein quite a while, then stop by and hear the great news. Congrats! And when it comes time for release I'll be happy to host you over on my blog.
That is totally freakin' awesome (and I so don;t want to say freakin', but know I should)! Congratulations, Carrie! I'm writing that date down on my calendar. Cheers, to the next leg. :)
How wonderful!!! So happy for you.
-jumps up and down clapping- Oh Carrie, I feel absolute joy at this. So much so that I'm actually commenting. I know I don't do that much, but I always read.
-runs around screaming-
Congrats! So happy for you!!!!
Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful! Big congratulations! I can just imagine you sitting there, peeping through your fingers at the Big News on your screen ;-)
Congratulations, Carrie, I am so delighted for you-whooot! It's nice to meet you and I can't wait to get ahold of your book. YAY!
Stopping by to add my congratulations! I loved your Writer's Voice entry and was so sad when you didn't get picked. Looks like everything turned out well.
WHOA!! CONGRATULATIONS CARRIE!! I swear I could feel your excitement- I think I'm as excited as you are XD I cannot wait to get your book!! I'm so happy for you, and for me because now I'm closer to getting that book :'D And of course you're on the right path, I'm just glad it's been made official!
*throws confetti for you*
CONGRATULATIONS!!! I'm so happy for you=) Now, you'll have to tell us when we can pre-order so I can be certain to get my copy ;-)
OH MY GOSH!!!! Can I just remind you of one of the last comments you posted on my blog? "I started pursuing the writing dream after I lost my job. I can't say it's worked out, but that's life. The odds just aren't in my favor. ;)" HA! HA! HA! Yeeeeees!! It must feel sooooo good. I'm just freaking out for you! Woohhoooo!!! Let me know how I can help with the promotion :) SO happy for you!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! That is SO exciting!!!
Hello Carrie. I can totally feel your excitement. All the best for your book! Keep us posted.
I followed you while I was here.
Thank you, Heather! :D I really appreciate that!
*High fives back!* Thanks, Kyra! I'm still having a little trouble believing it's real!
Phew! Those pitchforks were really starting to make me nervous...
Thank you, Bailey! I'm so glad I get to share this moment with my NA sisters! :D
Thank you, Jaycee! :D
Thanks, Juliana! I'll need all the wishes I can get! :)
I can see why! SSP is so author-oriented. I love it already! :D
Thank you, Talli!
273 more days!
...Er, not that I'm counting. ;) Thank you, Rebecca!
It really is! Thank you, Julia! *Does a happy dance, too!*
Carrie! Woohoo! You're going to be published! *throws confetti* *pops champagne* *break dances* *breaks neck* *celebrates anyway*
Congrats Carrie! Exciting times ahead.
Thank you for everything, Nancy! I'm so excited to be pub sisters!! :D
I wanted to be brutally honest about my feelings at that point, so everyone knows there is HOPE! :)
Thank you for everything, Pub Sister! *Hugs*
Thank you, Melissa! You have no idea how much I appreciate that. I feel blessed to have such a wonderful friend and critique partner! :D
Oh, um, about that...
*Runs for her life!*
Thank you, Iain! :) Your input really helped!
It really is, L.G.! Thank you so much! :)
I still get shivers every time I think about it! :) Thank you, Donna!
Thanks, Jeff! :D
Heck yeah! This category IS HAPPENING. :D
Thank you so much, Victoria! <3
Squeeeeeeee! Thank you, Cassiopeia! :D
Aww, thanks, Munky! You have no idea how much I appreciate your support. *Hugs*
Thank you, S.P! :D
Thank you, Alex! I appreciate it. :)
Thanks, Patrick! :)
Thank you, Elise! :D Sounds like a good idea!
Thank you, Chris! :)
Thank you, Melodie! :D
I'm freaking out, too! :D Thank you for everything, Lindsay!
Thank you so much, Donna! Your comment made my day. :) Yes, there IS hope for NA writers!
Thank you so much, Angela! You have no idea how much I appreciate your support. :)
Thank you, J.A.! :D
Thanks, MJennings! :)
Thank you, Lynn! That means a lot coming from a New Adult rock star, like yourself. ;)
*Dances* Thank you so much, Empress King! :D
Thank you, Clare! :)
Consider it done! Well, done for now. I'll spruce it up after I have a cover. You can find the code here. :)
Thank you for everything, Jennifer! I really appreciate your support. :)
Thank you, Sophia! :D One day soon, I bet!
Thank you, Jessie! I appreciate that. :D
Thank you, Julie! :)
Thanks, Hildred! :D
...Now for more sweat and tears!
Thank you, Otin! :D
WHOO! Congrats, Carrie! Almost a year ago today, I was signing my first contract with a publisher, too. ;D These next few months will be a whirlwind for you. Look forward to reading your book!
Congratulations! Good luck in the coming months. 3-7 is not that far way.
CONGRATULATIONS! Sweet validation is so right! I'm new to you blog, but thrilled for you! Cheers to you and your novel and your new publisher!
I am so thrilled for you!!!! Congratulations!!!
Thank you, Munky! *Hug*
*WOOT* CONGRATULATIONS! :) That's fabulous news!
Thank you, Becky! :D
Thanks, A.J.! :)
Good shit, sis. Good shit.
Thank you, Jamie! :D *Clink!*
Thank you, Dana! :)
Yeeee hawwwww, indeed! :) Thank you, Gail!
Thank you, Botanist! :)
Thank you, Tia! I will keep you updated. :D *Squeal*
Thanks, Mason! I'm hoping for never, too. :D
Thank you, Pegasus! I'm excited, too! I can't get over it. :D
Thank you so much, Joylene! Your support means the world to me. :)
Thank you, Suzi! :)
Thanks, Elizabeth! :)
Thank you, Linda! :D
It's nice to have you back, Stephen! :) Oh, that would be great! I'll get in touch with you at the beginning of next year. (That sounds weird, doesn't it?) Thank you!
Hah! I love the enthusiasm. Thank you, Michael! :D
Thank you, Sharon! :)
Thank you, Brooke! That means so much to me. :)
Thank you, Sarah! :)
It was quite the shock! :) Thank you, Rachel!
Thank you, Nicky! It's nice to meet you, too! :)
Thank you, Jani! The fact that you remember my Writer's Voice entry makes me so happy! :D
Thank you, Sally! I can't wait for you to read it! You know my writing better than most, so I'm interested to see what you think of it. :D
Thank you, Kathleen! :D That's so nice of you!
Hah! I thought about that comment, too! Then I squinted at the universe and said, "I've never had a million dollars." Maybe it'll prove me wrong there, too. *Grins*
Thank you so much! I will definitely be in touch closer to time, if you want to help. I appreciate the offer! :D
Thank you, Kelley! :D
Thank you, Denise! I appreciate that. :)
I'll be over to your blog soon!
Thank you, Lydia!
Ack! Don't break your neck. You're the only doctor we've got! Though, the break dancing was pretty impressive... :D
Thanks, Natasha! :)
Thank you, Kelley! I appreciate that. :) How was your first year?
Thank you, RaeChell! You're right. I don't know if I should be excited or scared! :)
Thank you, Cynthia! You chose a great time to stop by. :) Welcome!
Thank you, Leslie! :D
Thanks, Eagle! I'm pretty excited. :)
Thanks, bro! :)
Oh, sweetie CONGRATS!!!! WOOT. You're such a talent. Awesome job!
Thank you, Mina! :D!
Congrats!!!!!! So happy for you.
Thanks, Jenny! :D
Hurray and champagne for you, Carrie. Very good news, indeed.
thanks very nice pics
It was...very busy. ;) I had a demanding dayjob, so it got hectic trying to keep up with edits, publicity, blog guest posts and interviews, etc. But I made it! You'll do fantastic.
Thank you, Lee! :)
Er, thanks! :D
Oh, no doubt! You must double as Wonder Woman. :D Thank you!
Inspiring! As I embark on the beginning stages of my own book, it is hard sometimes to believe that I am on the right path. This gives me hope and faith that it is going to happen! Thanks!
I'm so glad to hear that, Martha! :) Thank you, and best of luck with your book!
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