Guess who's back? It's the lovely and talented Jessica Therrien! Yay!

Her debut novel, OPPRESSION, came out 02/28/12 and I'm just dyin' to tell you guys more about her! (If you missed the post I did for her virtual launch party, you can find it here.) Ready? :)
1. Let’s start with the question you’re
going to be asked from now until the end of time: What inspired you to write
In short, it was my YA book
addiction. I went crazy over a certain vampire related series…I’m not sure if
you’ve heard of it ;) Then I ate my way through the Hunger Games. After that, I
needed more! I tried out a few books, but nothing satisfied my need for that
next great YA book. So, I figured I’d write what I wanted to read…
Nope. Never heard of either series. I can't imagine getting addicted to them... *grins and nudges a pile of books under her desk*
2. ZOVA Books—located in LA—is
only a couple of hours away from Chula Vista, right? (Thank you, Google Maps.
Until five minutes ago, this Midwestern/Appalachian girl did not know
where Chula Vista was!) Have you had the opportunity to meet anyone who had a
Not only have I met most of the
people who worked on Oppression, but I’ve actually grown to be great friends
with a few of them. The wonderful thing about ZOVA Books is that they develop
personal relationships with their writers. They treat them as friends or
family, and they have really taken me under their wing. Oppression wouldn’t be
what it is today without their genius. They’re pretty much publishing super
heroes. They walk around in capes and say witty things. I’m a lucky one to have
Lucky, indeed! I wish I knew people in capes...
3. Speaking of OPPRESSION, if you could
be a descendant of any Greek god, who would it be and why?
I’m going to go with Hermes or Iris.
Weird choices I know, but you’ll have to read the book to find out why ;)
Oh, we will. We will... ;)
4. If OPPRESSION had a soundtrack, what
would the first song be?
First Day of My Life by Bright Eyes
OR Everlong by Foo Fighters
If only someone would make it so people could listen to those two songs while they finished reading the interview... *does the Bewitched nose twitch*
Ta da! :)
5. How many books do you plan on
writing for your CHILDREN OF THE GODS series?
You know…I’m going to say three.
I’ve always envisioned three, but my publisher says I need to keep the option
open for more. Just in case…
Hey, I'm all for more. Get ready for some quick questions!
- Soft drinks! Do you call them pop,
soda, or coke? Soda
- You’re stranded on a desert island
with one thing. What is it? My husband
- Are you a Browncoat or are you with
the Alliance? Seriously? Browncoat…hello…I’m assuming you’re a fellow
Firefly nut?
You know it! - Did you geek out over that last
question? So bad…started googling images of Mal. He’s hot okay. (PS –
my mom has the Serenity ship logo tattooed on her ankle…no joke.)
I kid you not. That is the greatest thing I've heard all day. - You’re stressed out. What’s the
first thing you reach for? T.V. I’m addicted. It chills me out.
- Who’s your favorite paranormal
romance writer/interviewer extraordinaire, whose name rhymes with Keri Putler? Why Carrie Butler of course!
:O What a pleasant and totally unexpected answer! Thank you!
Follow Jessica on: Facebook | Twitter | GoodReads
Find OPPRESSION at: Amazon, Barnes & Noble, & GoodReads.
Thanks for stopping by, Jessica! Have a great week, guys! ♥
Fun interview! Great getting to know you, Jessica. I'm wishing you lots of success with Oppression!
neat interview - thanks for posting it :)
Jessica rocks! And so does her novel, by the sound of it. I recently put it in my BTR list. :)
Great interview. Can't wait to read Oppression (it's calling to me from my Kindle). Oh, and Carrie... You've been awarded an 'Awesome Blog Content (ABC) Blog Award!
Claim it here:
Such a cute interview.. Jessica just seems like such a sweetheart. I picked up a copy of Oppression for my Nook this morning! :D
Thanks Emily :)
Thanks for reading, Gina!
Thanks Melissa! Carrie deserves an award. Doesn't her blog rock?
Thanks Cassandra! I hope you like it :)
Thanks for a great interview, Carrie :)
You're very welcome! It was fun! :)
Love the husband comment. And I have been hearing about Oppression EVERYWHERE. So good job on the marketing. :) I am currently trapped under my pule of BTR, but it's on the list.
Thanks for sticking it on your TBR pile, Sarah :)
Great interview, you two. It's nice hearing more about your book, Jessica. "Oppression" sounds intriguing. I hope you find huge success. Thanks, Carrie!
Thanks so much :)
I'm a fan of Keri Putler, what a coincidence!
Yay so glad you're on the tour too Carrie.
And Jessica that song always makes me so sad! (Yes I know it's positive, but love songs make me sad and weepy)
Hi Carrie, Loved the interview! You ask some awesome questions!
Hello Jessica, it's been lovely meeting you. Your OPRESSION sounds wonderful! Congrats on it's release!
I LOVE that song lol...I see what you mean, though.
Thanks for stopping by for the tour!
Fun interview! I read the summary and preview for Oppression and I'm definitely interested. The book has successfully made it on my "To-read" list...which I will hopefully finish sometime before graduating XD
Hahaha! You guys both kill me. Loved this interview! (And seriously. Would ANYONE ever choose Alliance? Methinks not.)
...There are three of us here? That's practically a fan club! ;)
Why thank you, ladies! :)
You guys are all too sweet! Thanks for stopping by! :)
How much longer until graduation? :)
Haha! I know! Anymore closet Firefly fans among us? Don't be shy :P
Thanks, Sophia! I'm pretty sure Keri Putler is a fan of yours, too. :D
Fantastic interview & congrats to Jessica:):):)
Congratulations Jessica, on the release of your debut novel. Great interview. Carrie has such a wonderful and sparkling personality.
Carrie, the "Get FiredUp" blogfest is nearing the end as I have narrowed the grand prize winner to two. You are on of the two bloggers tied for the grand prize. Please visit my blog and cast your vote and encourage others to vote for you as well. Good luck,
Whoa! Thank you so much, Melissa! That totally made my night. You're like the fairy godmother of blogging! :D
So nice to meet Jessica and her books! It was great getting to know her better. :)
Hello from another Firefly addict. Best of luck with OPPRESSION, Jessica. Hey Carrie, I'm a fellow tagee from Lee McKenzie's blog. I double tagged you. Nice to meet you.
Thanks for stopping by, Jamie! :)
Thanks for stopping by, Lydia! :D
Yes! Another one! :)
Oh, cool! Nice to meet you, too. I'll be right over. :D
Woohoo, great interview! Nice to meet you Jessica:)
Jessica, your answer to the first question reminds me of one of my fave quotes: "If there's a book you really want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it." (Toni Morrison) And you did!
Thanks for stopping by, Lindsay! :)
Ooo, good quote! Thanks for stopping by, Rachel! :)
That was a fun interview. Oppression is on my TBR list. Can't wait. Jessica's everywhere I look these days. Must be a good reason for that! Thanks for the interview, Carrie. Great job!
Thanks for stopping by, Nancy! I'm in the middle of reading it now. I'm sure you'll enjoy it! :)
I have been seeing this book everywhere! Good job on promotion for sure. Good luck to Jessica :)
Me too! I guess that means we can consider her blog tour a success. :) Thanks for stopping by, Jessie!
Great interview, ladies! I love that last question, Carrie. Hehe!
Thank you, Talli! (I have no shame.) *grins*
Love the interview--and the song. I've already got my copy of this book. Looking forward to reading it.
Thanks for stopping by, Donna! I'm in the middle of it, and I'm really enjoying it. :D
This is an awesome interview!
I've been seeing Oppression all over the blogosphere lately, and it's definitely on my TBR list.
And I love the last question.
Thanks, Eagle! (Keri Putler thanks you, too! *grins*)
I've seen Opression everywhere... SO exciting. Jessica seems fabulous. Great interview and thanks SO much for sharing her with us, Carrie! <3 <3 <3
Thanks, Morgan! She is pretty fabulous. :D
Still got a couple of years left, but I have a pretty long list haha! *silently apologizes to stack of unopened books in the corner of my room*
Haha! That's okay. :)
...But if I manage to get a book out between now and then, I expect to line jump! *grins*
I can't wait to read Oppression. I've seen so many great blogs raving about it. I'll definitely be reading it super soon.
I loved getting to know Jessica more. Thanks for doing the interview. And I call soda, soda pop. Weird, huh?
Ah, who am I kidding? When you get your book out I will most likely stop all other activity until I have my hands on it and finish it XD
D'aww... thank you! :D
(I swear I didn't pay her to say that! *grins*)
Her mom sounds amazing with a Serenity tattoo! No wonder Jessica turned out so great.
Also, I tagged you on my blog Carrie!
Thanks for stopping by, Julia! Oh, I'm sure you'll love it. :)
Soda pop? You just couldn't settle on one name, could you? *grins* I'm just kidding. I take it you're out west?
I agree! :)
Really? Sounds fun! I'll be right over. :)
Thanks so much :)
Thanks Melissa :)
Thanks Lydia :)
YAY! I knew fellow Firefly fans were hiding among us :)
That's an awesome quote!! Thanks for stopping by Rachel :)
Thanks Nancy!! I really hope you like the book :)
Thanks! Yeah..that last question might have been my favorite ;)
Awesome!! I hope you like it :)
YAY! Thanks so much :) I hope you like it!
Thanks for stopping by, Morgan :)
YAY! I really hope you like it :)
HAHA! I'll have to tell her that :) Thanks for stopping by!
I read Oppression and really enjoyed it, I'm glad you posted these song becasue they totally fit the 'feel' of the book. Nice to see you around Jessica!
I enjoyed it, too! :) Thanks for stopping by, J.A.!
P.S. Sorry, I have no idea why the formatting went so wonky in this interview. Yikes!
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