If you're like me, you're probably trying to juggle a thousand industry-related things right now—writing, marketing, blogging, designing, corresponding, etc. It's hard to keep track. That's why I'm sharing my planner essentials!

Oh, come on. It's fun. There might be other ways to keep everything straight—including tons of apps to take the place of a physical planner—but this is super obsessive colorful!
And just think of it this way: You might love e-books, but you haven't turned your back on paperbacks, have you? Oo, low blow. Am I right? ;)
And just think of it this way: You might love e-books, but you haven't turned your back on paperbacks, have you? Oo, low blow. Am I right? ;)
My Planner Essentials
► This discbound planner - The pages pop in and out, you don't have to open anything binder-style, and the whole thing lies flat. It's heavenly.
Plus, I got a huge discount on Black Friday!
► Filler sheets - You can buy special agendas/calendar pages, or you can download fun printables. I found mine on Etsy, but this blogger offers a free 2014 template!
I may be a graphic designer, but repetitive, straight lines are so not my thing. *grins*
► Accessories - Dividers, pens in various colors, repositionable stickers, and Washi tape. That way, I can color-code expenses, blog posts, writing deadlines, etc.
And arrange everything all nice and neat for photos...
I know. My method seems a little intense at first glance, but it's the only way I can keep up. If something happens to this planner, I might start posting about weird things at odd times during the week. I'll send contracts late. My books won't get written. THE WORLD WILL SURELY FALL INTO CHAOS.
*Cough* Okay, so I just like all the color it adds to my desk.
What's your method?
P.S. Don't forget to plan downtime. I finally took a night off, a couple of weeks ago, and it was a-maz-ing. My sister and brother-in-law surprised me with great seats to one of my all-time favorite things—hockey!
I bought an exercise book to note my guest posts and important blog events. Nothing fancy but it helps keep me on track. Wow Carrie your method is amazing and I really need to buy a new stack of pens.
Um... I have a diary lol! That's about as far as my organisation goes LOL!
Not surprised you're so organized. I'm just staying on top of my blog for now so I have an interview schedule for the year to be sure I'm on top of things.
I use a combination of computer tickles of important dates and my calendar, and a small notebook to keep track of court hearings and important dates at work. Not sure how I'd organize all the publication deadlines yet.
What's MY method for staying organized? Well, I'll tell you...uh, hm, it's over here somewhere, under this pile, maybe. Er, probably in that drawer. Um, let me get back to you on that.
I don't do anything by hand that I can do on my computer. That's how I try and keep track of things. Though I do have a huge whiteboard. I need to start using that again.
Hockey! Now that is awesome.
I print out a blank calendar to keep track of book and blog stuff and keep it in an old folder. Yours looks much nicer.
The dog ate it! *grins*
I use a desk calendar to keep track of things (I used to have a diary, but I prefer to have the whole month set out in front of me so I can keep track of dates!). I also use a lot of post-it notes!
I use iCal to keep me organized, but want to use a paper org system to so I can see my schedule without booting up the laptop. Getting there...
I keep a notebook that I scribble things in and a daily planner I tell myself to keep with me and then forget to carry.
It's no wonder you make me look like a child trying to pretend to be a grown up!
I say, whatever works! Color-coded pens do help, though... ;)
That seems to be a popular choice! :)
Wow! Thinking about the whole year this early is super impressive. I am doing well to arrange topics 1-2 months in advance. Haha :)
I am jealous of your huge whiteboard!! (Second exclamation point warranted.)
It was a great game! The Jackets neat the Caps 5-2. :D I did end up yelling at some guy in my section, though. He tried to wrestle a stick away from a kid! Grr...
Me too! I have to see the whole month so I can schedule accordingly. ;)
Hybrid approach! :)
LlOL I wouldn't go that far. More like I'm a big old' weirdo. ;)
I have a blog binder with calendar-type pages for that, but mostly I'm working off a lined tablet, re-writing the list when I get several things marked off. There are quite a few 3x5 cards with hastily written notes littering my desk, too. It's controlled chaos at this point. LOL
Mine is buying a planner from the dollar store and writing things in as they come up . . . sooo not as pretty as yours, but it works for me . . . mostly ;-)
my planner? okay, so I hired some chip 'n' dales dancer for the day time. I write on their stomachs and chest with red lipstick of all the things I need to do and line them up. I put a little wristwatch on them with a timer for when I'm suppose to do something. half the time I forget because...you know...my mind goes elsewhere instantly. and because CHIBS just called !! :)~~~
My planner? I accidentally forgot it back in Canada. Okay, that's a lie, but I'm distracted. I promise I'll get back to it next month. I have seen one like yours somewhere. Maybe on tv.
Nice. I organize best with Excel and folders and files... And soon an online database! ;)
Hey, at least it's controlled! ;)
My 2013 planner was from the dollar store! Then I realized the lines were uneven, and I went super OCD mode... *shudder*
Only you could make organization look so pretty! I am far from organized. Occasionally I'll jot notes in my iPhone, and my computer can sometimes be covered in sticky notes all down the sides, but that's about as much as I can manage!
You had me at CHIBS! <3
That is a pretty awesome visual, though...
Hey, with a last name like List, you better be organized. :P Seriously, though. That's awesome. I do all of my financial stuff in Excel.
Sometimes we need those distractions! :)
Thanks, Jennifer! <3 I think you're the exception to the rule, here. You don't need organization to dominate everything you endeavor to accomplish!
Awesome organization ensemble. I can't organize outside of a computer (yWriter usually), otherwise my daughter gets a hold of it and... well, a three-year-old and organization just don't mix. But I love the pens and paper! They make me drool. :)
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