
"What If?" The Fairy Tale Madness Blogfest
- Think of your favorite "well known" fairytale and ask "What If…!"
- Pick one of these four categories:
Best Plot Twist, Best Love Story, Best Tragedy , Best Comic Relief - Write a scene/flash fiction illustrating a new detail of the fabled fairy tale that changes our perspective.
- Keep it PG-13
- Post your story between August 13th and 17th.
- 300 word maximum.
- Fairy tale: Little Red Riding Hood
- Setting: Modern/urban
- Team: Tragedy
- Twist: Ending
- Word count: 300 exactly
“You be careful, Red,” my dad warned from the doorway, smoke edging out around his words. “Did you take that pepper spray with ya?”
I jogged down the steps to the sidewalk. “Yes, Dad.”
“And you got them cookies for Nana?”
My boots splashed an inky puddle, scattering the streetlights. “Right here.” I held up the wicker basket as proof. Honestly, did he not get that I turned eighteen last week? I could handle a freakin’ errand down the street.
He grunted. “Just straight there and back, okay? None of your shortcuts.”
“Got it,” I said, tossing a wave over my shoulder. “I’ll be right back. I promise.”
“And don’t talk to nobody,” he yelled at my back.
“And don’t talk to nobody,” he yelled at my back.
“Yeah, yeah.” Geez. Watching the news made him paranoid. So there’d been a few abductions last month. It wasn’t like they were close.
I pulled up my hood against the wind and ducked around the corner. Nana lived a few blocks away and unless I wanted to freeze my ass off, I’d have to take an unapproved detour.
“Excuse me,” a man called from a few feet back. “Miss?”
Shit. Was he talking to me? I took a few steps, and then burst into a jog when I heard his footsteps quicken behind me.
My heart hammered in my chest as we plunged into the alley’s darkness, and I patted my jacket for the pepper spray. Was this seriously happening? Now?
“—dropped this,” he yelled.
When we reached the end, I bolted past two parked cars and into the street. If I could just make if to the other side...
I threw a glance back and froze. The man was bent over, gasping for breath and clutching the bow from Nana’s basket. Oh.
Too bad I missed the headlights.
Have a great week, guys! ♥
Great story! But poor little Red :(
Splat! Great twist.
Typical teenage. A few abductions last month--no big deal. They think they'll live forever. Maybe not!
Bwhahaha! I love it! Great twist at the end there, and seriously, that would so be me. I'd bolt if a guy started running up behind me. Yikes! Lol.
How sad! You always trust the handsome stranger, poor girl ;)
LOL! Carrie, I could read your writing any time... I love it. It's so smooth and creates the right images. AWESOME... ;D
haha, this was fun. I like it! What if Cinderella got changed back into a donkey and when the Prince found her, the shoe actually fit her hoof??? I know, I'm just so creatively adaptable!
ROFL - I love Alex's 'splat.' xD
Great flash fiction, Carrie. Loved it! :D
Snap! Deliciously wicked end, and the video was a nice touch (listening as I write.) Thanks for the shudder. :P
Thanks, Kyra! :)
Oh, I know! What's with me and flash fiction? It always ends up so much darker than my normal writing...
Hah! I almost spit out my water. ;) Thanks, Alex!
Ah, to be young and invincible… ;) Thanks for stopping by, Suzi!
Thanks, Cassiopeia! :) Oh, me too. I'd be all, "STRANGER DANGER! AHH!"
I felt like I was betraying my romantic roots with this one. They should've had a HEA! ;)
Aww, Morgan. You always make my day. <3 Thank you!
Hah! I love it. You would've dominated this blogfest, Joylene. ;)
I did, too! You should've seen me cracking up about it, and then feeling bad... *grins* Thank you!
Thanks, D.D.! I love that song, and it felt creepy enough to fit the scene. :D
You would make little read NEW ADULT! I am seriously laughing my butt off right now. She's so snarky I loves ;)
You know I'm all about NA right now! ;) Thanks, Victoria!
How much fun was that? I loved it, Carrie.
She should've listened to her daddy. Teenagers! Very cute, Carrie. Wish I had the brail for this one.
Brain! Ugh!
Very cool idea! That was so fun. :D
Thank you, Lee! :D
Indeed. I guess hindsight really is 20/20. *Sigh* Poor Red...
Thank you, Nancy! :)
Thank you, Bethany! :D
Love your tragic take on this! "Pepper spray" HA!
Well done! Tragic too. Thanks for the clever twist.
Excellent! That is tragic!
Yay for Team Tragedy!
This is brilliant writing Carrie! Love this story. Poor Red. I think I would have ran too though. :(
Oh, ouch! Poor Red!
Why thank you, Empress King! :)
Thank you, Stephen! :)
Thanks, Lara! :D
Go Team Tragedy! :)
Thank you, Leigh! I appreciate that. Unfortunately, I probably would've, too... :(
Ouch, indeed! I felt kind of sick ending it that way. :/
Oopsie! Nice 300.
Thanks, Natasha! :)
I love the twist of the ending. I was all worried for her and the man who followed her but then bam! the ending.
what a fun meme! and i guess strangers in cars as as dangerous as those on foot ;)
Hah hah . .. that was AWESOME!!!!
Thank you, Clarissa! That makes my day. :)
Heck yeah! Gotta watch out for everyone. ;) Thanks for stopping by, Gina!
Why thank you, Lisa! :D
Yay!! So fun!
Great modern retelling of a classic! Hopefully, she awakes in a hospital bed some time later. Tragedy strikes again! Beautifully written. :)
Gotta love blogfests! :)
Thank you, Michael! I appreciate the kind words.
Oo, yes. I'll probably sleep better if we assume she wakes up in a hospital. ;)
Oooh. Now she's sleeping beauty, right?
Oo, nice one! Very clever. :D
Love it, Carrie! I always enjoy retelling of classics.
Happy blogiversary to everyone!
Great twist :)
:( Sad. Awesome twist, though. Nice job.
Blogger doesn't like me today...comment, take two. :)
Heh heh, nice one. I don't even want to know what gave you the idea for this, but now I must check out the others.
Thank you, Talli! It was an interesting prompt to play around with. :)
Thanks, Carol! :D
Thank you, Ilima! :)
Thanks for taking the time to comment again, Dana! :) Oo, you should. It was a fun prompt!
Ouch! Didn't see that one coming!
It gives a new meaning to "red" in Red Riding Hood...
Little Squished Riding Hood... great job in updating such a classic story and what a tragic end... I blame the dad for being all paronoid :)
Thanks for participating :)
Oo, that's true (in a sick, twisted kind of way)! ;)
The compassion of writers knows no bounds... *grins*
Thank you, Mark!! :D
So are we assuming she's dead because it's a tragedy...?
I left it open for interpretation. Getting hit by a car is pretty disastrous, either way. Eek!
LOL, I laughed so hard when I saw that last line. Great job!
I think you're of the Alex mindset, Jaycee. "Splat!" ;) Thank you!
Uh oh, I guess cars can be trickier than wolves sometimes. :)
Indeed! The moral of this fairy tale is: Don't run out in traffic. ;)
hahahaa when I was younger my dad always presented me with pepper spray when I moved to a new city/went to college
I had pepper spray for going off to college/moving to a new city, too! I was always afraid of spraying myself in the face, though... LOL
Nice voice! Love it and the spin :) I picked Red Riding Hood as well :)
I love that tragic ending!
A2Z Mommy and What’s In Between
Thanks, Hope! :) I'm off to read yours now.
Thank you, Tracy! :D
All these fairytale mix ups are making me wonder when Once Upon a Time is going to come back on TV.
Hi, Carrie,
What an interesting turn of events. My heart was pounding right along with Red's.
I chose RRH also. But, alas, my is VERY different.Talk about a twist. LOL. Hope you'll drop by to read it. You'll have a good laugh.
Mark and Morgan dropped their jaws unexpectedly. Lol.
Yes! I love that show. :D
Oh wow! That was really intense!!
My dad gave me pepper spray when I went off to school. Such a dad thing to do :P
Writing Through College
LOL! Oh no she'll definitely be red now and squished. Great twist on the tale.
Thank you, Michael! I'm happy to hear that.
I'm hurrying over to your blog now. I want to read this jaw-dropping twist! ;)
Thank you, Samantha!
Heck yeah. Gotta look out for their girls! :)
I love how delightfully twisted you guys are. Everyone is commenting on the red thing! LOL Thanks, Madeleine!
Such a thing as being too paranoid, maybe? I felt the tension in this. I like how you leave it up to the reader as to whether this is her demise...
Perhaps! Thank you, Nick. :)
shoulda listened to her preachin papa...
great tragic twist for so few words!
Thanks, Tara! :)
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