Hey, guys! Today, we’re going to talk about workspaces.
(If you follow my Facebook page, you got a teaser of mine last Friday.)
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But before we get into that, there’s something you should probably know about me. A few years ago… I sold my bed.
(If you follow my Facebook page, you got a teaser of mine last Friday.)
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But before we get into that, there’s something you should probably know about me. A few years ago… I sold my bed.
I wanted an office more than a bedroom, so I sold my bed. (Hey, I’m single; I can get by with things like that.) Sure, I have to sleep on a pull-out that pokes springs into my back every night, but my workspace rocks! For me, at least. :)
I present to you...
*Grins* Okay, so I’m weird, but that’s how I stay motivated. What does your workspace look like? ♥
P.S. And don't you dare brag about yours, Jennifer Hillier. We're already jealous! ;)
P.S. And don't you dare brag about yours, Jennifer Hillier. We're already jealous! ;)
"What does your workspace look like?"
A mess.
I thought the picture of your workspace was taken from the soundboard looking towards the stage at a concert! Do you write in the dark?
You are so awesome LOL! I don't have a workspace really. Currently, it's my dining room table!
No bed? You're dedicated.
My space is cluttered but neat. Mostly.
That's awesome, thanks for sharing :) I don't really have a workspace, I pretty much write where ever because I have a tiny laptop I can carry around. Currently my workspace is my couch LOL.
I love the fact that you sold your bed, now that is dedication to our writing.
ha! oh to be single & free of convention!
love it!
Carrie! That is so hilarious. Pokey springs???? I have no works space at all unfortunately. When we moved into our new house I thought I would write on our balcony with an amazing view of the Las Vegas Valley. But I forgot that Vegas is hellishly hot about 6 months out of the year. And hellishly cold for another 3. So the rest of the year I am at the Starbucks up the street where the kids can't come track me down! :)
Hard core, Carrie.
I'm fortunate enough to have a cozy home office. I have my characters and settings (stock photos) taped to my walls. I usually keep the lights off, as well. I've been using a lamp, but after seeing your work space lights, I'm reconsidering my options.
Love the lights. My work space looks like my couch. Or my car. Or the line in the post office. Or the doctor's waiting room. I write on the fly! One day when my kid is older and wants nothing to do with me, I'll make the hubs transform some area of our house into a home office for me. BTW, selling your bed is HARD CORE! I love it!
my work place anywhere my laptop can fit.
I am so excited for our move in a few weeks--since we are moving to a much cheaper area, we are going from a one-bedroom apartment with one main room and tiny kitchen to a three-bedroom apartment with tons of living space! I'm claiming one of the bedrooms as an office/sewing room/craft room, and I'm hoping to get a treadmill desk in there so I can work on writing AND getting in shape at the same time. I will surely be posting about my office after it starts to take shape. For now, my space looks like the Container Store threw up; we're in hardcore packing mode.
Haha! Absolutely wonderful and dedicated. My space looks like a hot mess. I need an office. Perhaps one day, lol
I'm freaking because your blog didn't roll over in my blogroll. The last post I have for you is July 19th! What is that about!!!
Anyhoo, I'll subscribe and then I won't miss anymore.
My space... I'm in front of the window overlooking Cluculz Lake. I know, tough view. Haha. But guess what? When I'm deep into a story, I forget where I am.
Duh, just realized I have your other blog listed and not this one too. Not sure how that happened, but it's fixed now.
Same here. Though my computer has a permanent place on it.
Ok, so now I really have to get you on my Wednesday Writer's Workspace series. I'm so curious about your workspace!
Oh wow, no bed, that's real dedication. I love your work space, it looks really inspiring.
Mine is just a regular computer desk in my sitting room. I'm lucky enough to have an armchair instead of a desk chair too. My bookcase is right next to it, and on top of my bookcase is where my doll collection and Alduin statue lives.
Because I run a home-based interior design business out of my office, I have a very large L-shaped desk with all kinds of cubbies and drawers and raised platforms. But all this space allows me to clutter it up rather well. It's organized, but messy. It sits under a large window that looks out onto a huge wetland (which, in the Pacific Northwest, means woods) with tall trees, a pond, and lots of light, which is good 'cuz it rains here a lot, but that only lends well to the mood of my writing.
I'm feeling rather guilty now about my big comfy bed.
That's hilarious that you sold your bed! Now THAT'S dedication for you!
Mine looks great in the dark!
Uh... In the light-- it has papers everywhere. And 90% of them are book-related. I swear, as soon as I finish this last round of edits, I'm coming up with a much better system! And possibly fun lights. I'm a little jealous of the lights.
I LOVE the string of lights!
I don't have a workspace really. Right now, my laptop and story notes occupy 1/4 of what used to be the homeschool table (two plastic folding tables set up in our dining-room-turned-homeschool room). How I long for my own office...
I recently moved and gave up my large and private office. I now have an open living room, but that living room is completely sanctioned as Mom's office. The kids hang out it the family room.
It works most of the time. Other times I pop in my headphones and block out the surround sound pumping in from the family room.
Bed?!?! That's a necessary playground. :) And a laptop free zone. I think my husband might be a little afraid of me putting him in one of my romance novels.
LOL you crack me up. That's dedication, selling your bed. Love your workspace. Mine? Well, at least I have one now since our recent house move. However, it's very much a man's space, seeing as that I inherited it from the previous house owner. It's all dark furniture and green curtains, about as far away from my style as you can imagine. However, it's doing something for me. I'm telling myself it's a manly space and helps me get into the head of my male lead. Maybe? There's always paint. And new curtains.... Great post, love it. XX
I love how you had to label the "darkness". Haha.
Haha, as you probably know, I'm in the process of cleaning mine...
Seeing your "cheap xmas lights" makes me miss mine! Mine are always orange though. But they don't last more than a year. Sigh.
I moved a month ago...so I've not unpacked, right now my work-space looks like a bunch of dissembled furniture, clothes on the floor, or in bags, or in boxes, or spread all over the place. Towers of books, and my laptop which is typically in my backpack, or open on my bed...yeah. I really need to unpack and organize.
I'm sure it will happen someday.
A big desk! Has lots of shelves and cabinets. I don't use it much anymore though. :( All of my creativity is stored in there somewhere.
Oh my god carrie that's hilarious. your workspace looks kind of like a carnival:) Mine is a boring little writing nook overlooking my deck and garden. Sounds cool, but it's really dull LOL
A mess, huh? I think that's a trait most of us share.
Yes, I often write in the dark. (I'm sure it's horrible on my eyes.) I'm nocturnal, so it works out for me. :)
P.S. Hah! Writing backstage at a concert would be awesome. Difficult, but awesome...
*Grins* Thanks, Kyra! Hey, there's nothing wrong with the dining room table. That's what I used when I had a laptop. :)
Why thank you, Mr. Cavanaugh!
Sounds like organized chaos. :)
It's probably the lighting, but your work space reminds me of a 1980s movie for some reason. The blue Christmas lights are sweet! I have an office, but for most of this year I've just been using my laptop on the dining room table. I put on noise-cancellation headphones and get to work after dinner most evenings.
This actually totally makes sense to me. I slept on a pull out coach all five years in college. Wasn't that bad :)
I'm supposed to write in my office, which has a vaulted ceiling, wood floors and french doors that overlook the deck/backyard. But my kids use the desktop and PlayStation in there so I actually write on a laptop in our sitting room.
Are you telling us that there's things people are doing other than writing? (like sleeping?)
My workspace used to be on the coach coming home from work, but these days it's a settee in the living room turned so that I can't see the tv, and with my ipod on.
This way I appear to be being sociable by being in the room, but in reality I'm in my writing world :o)
(I'm now wondering if I can get away with cheap christmas lights around my settee)
OK, so the fun part of getting here late is seeing how many of us are dysfunctional, but we are family, so that's OK.
I'm with the dining room table gang, 'cos... I used to have a space and then we moved...
I had a smaller space... and then we moved...
Now, I have a corner of the dining room table...
I'm scared to move again.
I saw that picture on Facebook the other day and immediately wanted the lights!! My writing space is a corner in the living room (so I can keep an eye on the kids during the day when I do my blog writing and blog hopping). I actually just cleaned it off yesterday and rearranged everything on it. There's a picture of it floating around either on Facebook or Twitter somewhere (don't remember where). My desk and chair were a Mother's Day gift from Hubs=)
PS- OMG, I WANT Jennifer Hillier's office soooo badly!!
Air mattress! You can get one of those single depth ones and a plug in blower upper thingy and put it on that awful mattress.
Just a thought. Work space is so important!
I WANT a space like that but I don't think my hubby would be upset if I sold the bed.
There's no time like the present. Go stake a claim on that desk!
...Unless the couch is really comfy. :)
Exactly! *Grins* Thanks, Tara!
Thanks, Laura! :) Oo, that sounds comfy. You should see how I try to relax in this desk chair. It's ridiculous! LOL
What? That's a bummer! I'd love to see the view from your balcony. I'm jealous in a want-to-visit-but-wouldn't-want-to-melt-there kind of way. ;) What? I'm Ohioan. I wouldn't survive!
Thank goodness for Starbucks. :D
Thanks, Natasha! :) Oo, your office sounds like a wonderful place for inspiration.
You should! I'm using LED Christmas lights. They use less energy and don't get very hot. :)
Thanks, Lisa! I was hoping no one would be like, "You sold your BED? I'll never read your book, crazy woman!" LOL
You have my respect for being able to write on the fly! :) I don't think I could do that. Too easily distracted...
You guys are so versatile! I love it. :)
Yes! Claim the extra bedroom ASAP. You need that writing/sewing/crafting/running space! :D I can't wait to read about your office once you've settled in. Good luck with the move!
I have one end of the dining room, lots of windows and light. Love the blue lights :)
Why thank you, Victoria!
Hey, my space is messy, too. That's why it's dark. *Grins*
Weird! Sounds like some kind of Blogger-related conspiracy to keep us Butlers apart. Sneaky, sneaky...
Thanks for re-subscribing! I think I speak for everyone when I say:
1. I'm incredibly jealous.
2. When can I come to Canada? ;)
Oo, sounds like fun! :) Thanks, Nutschell!
Thanks, Clare! :) Your armchair sounds comfy. I'm actually sitting in a desk chair with duct tape on it right now. LOL
I'm so jealous! Can we see it? :D
*Starts a crowd chant* Picture, picture, picture...
Why thank you, Pegasus!
Oh, I know how that goes. Believe me. You don't want to see this mess in the daylight. ;) You should get some! Fun lights make everything better.
I don't suppose hubby would let you sell the bed... *Grins* He might be into the lights, though!
Oo, a living room office sounds even better. Plenty of room to think and breathe.
Hah! I love that you called your bed a necessary playground. That's hilarious. Yeah, I can see why your husband would be a bit leery of you taking a laptop to bed. ;)
I love that you were able to find inspiration in your male-dominated workspace, Nicky. Way to find the positive in your situation!
Once you make a few changes, I'm sure you'll feel right at home. :) Thank you!
Hey, it's an important factor! *Grins*
Aww, get some cheap LEDs. They last pretty long, and they're oh-so-inspiring. :D
Good luck with that cleaning!
Interesting space you got there. Hey a computer that works is a great thing. No matter how long you've had it.
If it makes you feel any better, it seems like a lot of you have moved recently. You're not alone in your box kingdom! ;)
Good luck with that organization, Sara!
You will be using it soon, though, right? By the way, I'm not carrying it. :P
I am totally diggin' your writing space. The lights add a special touch. :)
I would love to work in a carnival! How cool would that be? LOL
Aww, don't tell me that. That's where the magic happens! :D
As someone who loved/loves '80s movies, I shall take that as a compliment. ;) Oo, noise-cancellation headphones sound like a lifesaver!
You know why it makes sense to you, right? It's because we're pub siblings and we're sharing the same wavelength. ;)
Aww, man! That sounds like it would've been perfect, too...
Double sigh.
Yeah, I've heard about that sleep thing. I'm not terribly familiar with it, though...
(She says at 2:11 AM.)
The appearance of hanging out while secretly getting work done? Brilliant!
Quick! Put the lights up while everyone's distracted by the Olympics!
Aren't the comments around here the best? I love our dysfunctional blogging family, too. :)
...Quick! Glue your laptop to the table!
Yes! Aren't the lights fun? Sometimes I just sit and stare at them...
What were we talking about? Oh, right. Workspaces.
A picture? Oo, I must hunt this down! I want to see. :D
P.S. I know, right? Road trip to Canada!
That's a great idea, Donna! I hadn't even thought about that. :D Thank you!
Aww. Come on, Jenny's hubby! Stop being such a killjoy. *Grins*
Sounds wonderful. I love windows! :) Thank you, Carol!
That's a good point, Sheena-kay! I'm grateful it has held up this long. :) Thanks for stopping by!
Why thank you, Empress King! :D
Digging the Christmas lights! (*is a sucker for all things shiny and glow-in-the-dark*)
My writing space is... Wherever there is a plug-in XD I just move all over with my trusty laptop, find a comfortable spot and, in between wasting hours and hours on the internet, momentarily use the spot as the writing space.
One day I shall have my own sacred writing cave (with no internet access) and I shall produce great word counts frequently!
...But today is not that day :)
It's beee-utiful! It's enchanted and lovely!
Try for the end of September and we can go to the Northern Writers Retreat in Smithers!
I can't believe you sold your bed! Now that's hardcore. Lovely writing cave - it's worth it!
It's all about ambiance! You've created it.
I just haul my lap top around the house and write anywhere I feel inspired. But I love the idea of a cool space. Maybe in front of a window :)
OOH! SO cool! I have nothing so awesome to share. I use my bed a lot! I love laying on the heating pad and writing away on the lap top! Although - we got a new desktop computer that I'm in love with. It's on a big long table with notes and papers and pin boards all around. It works and I love it! :)
Woohoo! If I start walking now, maybe I can make it. :D
Thanks, Sally! I'm a sucker for all things shiny and glow-in-the-dark, too.
Hey, whatever works. :)
Your writing cave isn't going to have Internet access? Wow. You have more willpower than I do!
Oo, enchanted is a great word for it! :D Thank you, Lydia!
I don't think I've ever been called hardcore so much in my life. I'm loving this week! LOL
Thank you, Talli! :)
Thank you, Lee! :D
I wish I could do that somedays! I don't think my desktop computer would cooperate, though. ;) Thanks for stopping by, Angela!
Thanks, Leigh! :) Oh my gosh. I don't blame you. Pin boards make everything better!
Hey, my doll collection is on top of my bookcase too. Which is right next to my desk. 0-0
You're workspace twins! :D
Au contraire... If I had any willpower, I wouldn't need to restrict my access! ;)
Hah! Good point. ;)
I love this!
My place is small. It has no closet space and I've never seen a smaller bathroom. I almost trip over the toilet when I step into the shower. But I have the best little sun room in the front which looks out on a park. My desk sits right in there. It's perfect.
Thanks, Liz! :) Oo, I bet the sun room makes it worth it!
I just tidied up my writing "cave" this evening :-) It's been feeling more and more cluttered recently, so this being the first evening that I've had time, I cleared up.
My "cave" desk is an L shape. I have a laptop and separate monitor so that I can use two screens when editing. I like it :-)
Don't you love that freshly organized feeling? :)
My desk is an L shape, too, but I don't have a separate monitor. That sounds handy!
I love writing in the dark. I used to keep Christmas lights and a small Christmas tree up year round in the office, but wifey thought it was getting kinda weird so I took them down.
I want a laptop with blue lights lighting up the keyboard. I have a friend who says he can do this. This would look so cool writing in the dark.
AHHHHHHH, how do you DO THAT?
I mean, I'm all for writing in the dark and sacrificing a little bit of my permanent eye sight each time, but those lights! I'd be straight for about five minutes, then I'd get anxious... I'd throw on some Dub-step, and within twenty minutes, I'd be blowing on whistles, dancing to "Sandstorm" by Darude...
...and I would get NO writing done. Ever. Only dancing.
I knew I wasn't alone! I'm bummed you had to take your lights down, Stephen. Maybe Christmas decorating should take place early this year. ;)
That sounds so cool!!
Best. Answer. Ever.
Seriously, I don't even know how to reply to this. It's just perfect. :D Welcome to the site, A.M.!
I've thought about hanging Christmas lights.
I bought a new desk months ago and the arrangement of shelves and the fact that it's bigger than the last helps keep me organized.
You should! They create the perfect ambience for writing. :) Of course, I'm a little biased...
That's awesome!
My bed IS my workspace. The more comfy I feel, the better I write :) And if I don't write in bed, I write in hotel lobbies, bars and airports
I so envy you! I've never been able to write in bed or out in public. I either fall asleep or get distracted. ;)
Hey Carrie,
Just over from the lovable Joylene's site and I thought it was about time I left you one of my um 'much loved', 'eagerly sought after', comments.
First of all, I note you do like I do and endeavour to comment back to each person who graced you with a comment. That takes some doing. Of course, I comment back to each person because it doubles my comment total :)
Now then, my 'workplace' has a snug blanket and some doggy treats. You have to know that I am but a secondary part on my shy, humble and oh so unassuming site. For the real star of my blog is Penny the Jack Russell dog and modest internet star. And thus the workplace mentioned is actually hers.
Happy writing to you.
I can see why your comments are eagerly sought after. Thank you for stopping by!
Ah, yes. I do try to respond to everyone who comments here. It just seems like the right thing to do, you know? If someone takes the time to comment, I can take the time to thank them.
Hah! Well, that's a good reason, too. :)
It's kind of Penny the Jack Russell to share her space with you. I'm glad she hasn't let Internet stardom go to her head! :) You too!
omg my bed is like the only thing I'll actually spend money on. (I have no problem using third and fourth-hand furniture, plastic drawers for my clothes, whatever...)
Yep! Maybe if Strength takes off, I can have a bed again.
...Somewhere else. *Grins*
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