Now, I know you're (*cough*) dying to learn *ten obscure facts about me, but wait—there's more! The oh-so-awesome Leah over at Leah Writes Pretty Fierce gave me two awards over the weekend!
These awards also request that the recipient *list a certain number of things, so I'm going to combine them. :)
*Note: This may qualify as a sleep aid.
- I'm really a blonde. (Updated: Right)
- I don't eat tomatoes. I eat tomato products, but no tomatoes in the raw, fleshy form.
- I will break into song with or without any noticable triggers.
- Last year, I got to sit above the chutes at a PBR (Professional Bull Riders) event, and it was awesome.
- Sometimes I have to paint when I'm watching a nerve-wracking hockey game. (Right)
- I
buyadopt broken things. See this gnome? (Below) He was on the clearance shelf at Jo-Ann Fabrics, because he was missing an eye. Of course, I had to bring him home and make him an eye patch. I had to. - Butterflies freak me out.
- I can play the trombone, and I
can playfail at playing the shakuhachi. - I have had a
corneal abrasionpapercut on my EYE before! (Don't ever let people cram papers through your car window.) - I keep the Final Fantasy X: Victory Fanfare on my phone, ready to go at all times, just in case I do something victorious.
I just reached 100 Followers! Thank you so much, guys! I love and appreciate every single one of you. In light of this celebration, I'm going to do another blog button/sticker giveaway! ♥ (Below.)
Thanks again, and have a great week! ♥
I pass my two awards on to:
- Melodie at Forever Rewrighting
- Lynn at Catch the Rush
- Kelley at Writtled
A papercut on your eye - augh! That's seriously one of my worst fears. Anything to do with eye injuries freaks me out.
I had to look at shakuhachi. You learn something new every day. AS for 'PBR' event -- Huh? Pabst Blue Ribbon? It sounds vaguely familiar.
Hey, is that Rick Nash?
@Jennifer - Augh, indeed! I wouldn't wish that on anyone. :| Thanks for commenting!
@Jeff - Ah, I should've elaborated. PBR = Professional Bull Riders. Yes, that's Rick Nash. I can't believe he's actually recognizable! :)
...Er, I meant I couldn't believe he was recognizable in my painting. I know he's really recognizable as a player. ;)
So now we know 10 of your best kept secrets. We love you even more than before.
Congrats on 100 followers! And butterflies freak me out too - but not as much as moths.
You are adorable and so funny. I love learning all this tidbits about you. You sing for no reason too?! I thought that was just me. People call me a hummer. :) I almost posted my reply in the wrong place.
I love the eye patch! Now I have to get a gnome with an eye patch. Awesome!
Okay, the gnome thing is HILARIOUS. No, really. Hilarious! I used to hate tomatoes, but not tomato products. Then one day, I decided that a) tomatoes were do darn pretty and b) that people talk about "acquired" tastes, that I decided I was going to learn to love them. I choked one down a good dozen times, then I acquired the taste for them! I'm not kidding. It actually worked.
Really, you're blonde? Whodathunk. I get the butterfly thing. Under those wings are some creepy crawly legs. Congrats on your award!
You're blonde! I'm shocked. Okay, not really. Though I have to admit, you look good as a brunette. Not everyone does. Even some brunettes don't look as good as you do.
@C. Lee McKenzie - Aww, thank you! You guys are so nice to me. :)
@Bethany - Thank you! Aha! I knew I wasn't the only one. ;)
@Laila - Thank you! Oh, absolutely. If we ever cross paths, we'll sing an impromptu duet, just to mess with people. :D
@Maria- You should! I highly recommend it. ;)
@Peggy - Why thank you! Whoa. Really? I might have to try that on a day when I'm feeling brave. (Braver than today, at least.) For now, I shall continue to peer at them suspiciously...
@Lydia - Yes, creepy crawly legs! Oh, and yes, it's hard to believe, but this is my true form! *grins* Thank you!
@Joylene - It's true! I was blonde until I discovered hair dye in college. I go through phases. *grins* Oh my goodness. Thank you! That's so nice of you to say! :)
Butterflies -- no Carrie B's are supposed to love butterflies. Lol. Well I do anyways....maybe I'm your opposite.
Papercut on your eye - ouch that hurts to think about. Did it heal on it's own? My corneas deteriorated (thanks to some stupid rare eye disease) and I had to get 2 transplants.
I'm not the only one freaked out by butterflies! I'm not alone anymore!XD
And aghhh EYE papercut...I just cried a little for you!
Congrats on reaching 100 followers!! You deserve it! You have actually got me to read a blog...That is a milestone in itself ;D
Congrats on your awards and your followers. YAY!!!
There is nothing wrong with spontaneous song :)
A trombone! I'm very impressed. Congrats on the award and the followers!
I'm with Pegasus, that gnome is hilarious. The fact that he appears to spearing something has me rolling. And the expression just screams, "Avast ye scoundrel!"
...I'll be off writing about gnome pirate mercenaries sailing the high seas.
Anyway, you're adorable, creative, and awesome. Congratulations on everything!
Hi Carrie. I love these fun snippets of information, especially the gnome and the eyepatch - it's just such a wonderfully inventive thing to have done! I also paint sometimes (when I can), but it's only for my own amusement.
@Carrie - Eek! Maybe you really are my opposite! Oh, and yes, it healed on its own. I mean, I had to go to the doctor and the specialist, but they just gave me drops and ointments. So sorry to hear about your disease and transplants! Are you eyes better now?
@Sally - Yay! I knew I wasn't the only one! :D Aww, thank you. Now I just have to get you to WRITE a blog... *grins*
@Lynda - Thank you! :D!
@Talli - Thank you very much! :)
@Leah - I think I'm going to snicker every time I read "Pegasus" for the next five years. XD Rofl! I don't think I can look at poor Mr. Whitakers (the gnome) the same ever again! ;) Thank you so much!
@Allie - Thank you! Oo, what kinds of things do you paint? :D
YAY! Congrats on the awards and the 100+ followers! :D LOL about the gnome. Hahaha. That's awesome. I'm surprised to hear about the butterfly thing though. Did you have a bad experience?
Congrats for everything! I didn't know you were such a softie. Buying things that no one else wanted. Now the gnome has a home. (Hm, that rhymes.)
Hey chickie, did you get my email regarding the chapter swapping thing? I know you're probably swamped but I've been getting a few maeler routing daemons lately and wanted to make sure you received it. Anyway, I'm open if you're still interested or whenever you're ready. Take care. :)
@Linda - Thank you! Hmm, I think my sister passed her anti-butterfly stance on to me. They freak her out too. *grins*
@Clarissa - Thank you! :) Hah! I think you just busted out some impromptu poety. ;)
@Laila - Oops! Yes, I'm catching up on e-mails now. Yesterday was a little hectic. Sorry about that. :) You too!
Hi Carrie. I'm here from Rachael's campaign blog, even though I didn't sign up in time to take part in it. Now I'm following your blog, so:
Nice to meet you!
100 followers! Congrats. It feels really something when you move into 3 digits! I love that you made that gnome an eye patch.
@Matthew - Welcome! It's nice to meet you too. I'll be over to visit your blog shortly. :D
@Donna - Thank you so much! :) I just couldn't stand to leave him like that. *grins*
Congrats on the awards! I enjoyed reading your list. My best friend despises tomatoes but loves ketchup on everything, so you made me laugh there - I thought she was the only one in the world like that. And I have always wanted a garden gnome. Just haven't found the right one yet. :)
@Jennifer - Thank you! You know, I think your best friend has great taste! *grins* You should adopt a sad, little broken gnome. They're the best. ;)
I am loving your story...loving it. :) Just had to stop by and tell you.
Congratulations on the awards AND the followers! And it cracks me up that you made an eye patch for that little guy.
@Laila - Yay! I'm about to e-mail you back right now. I loved yours too! :)
@Julie - Thank you so much! He definitely makes for a great conversation piece now. ;)
Good for you--100 followers! LOVE that you saved the gnome. So cool. I love butterflies--LOL. By the way, great tip that you left on my blog about watching movies. And I'd love to read your first chapter and all the chapters after that. Send it right over if you want. I'm at duchessmalfi@hotmail.com.
@Lisa - Thank you so much! :) Yes, the gnome has a very good home now. Hmm, well, I'll encourage all of the butterflies to fly east. (Toward you!) *shudder* Oh, sounds great! Thanks!
#facepalm I totally shouldn't read blogs when tired--I just commented on your entry form! ROTF.
Your gnome is THE COOLEST! I love him. :) Grats on the milestone and awards but it's no surprise cause you're so fll of awesomeness!
Angela @ The Bookshelf Muse
Congratulations on the award! And congrats on 100+ Followers. :)
You should have heard me yesterday. I often start singing for no apparent reason.
@Angela - Hah! You could be the poster child for a "Don't Blog Tired" campaign. ;)
Why thank you! I appreciate it. :D
@Eagle - Thank you very much! Hah! We could've sang an impromptu duet. ;)
Congrats! Man, I wish I had that many followers ;) Anyway, so it's your lucky day! I've tagged you on my blog! Stop on by to see what its about :)
@Rachel - Thanks! Hey, you're well on your way there. I bet you'll hit three digits in the next month. :D Ack! A tag? *grins* I will check it out. Thank you. :)
Ugh, a paper cut on your eyeball? How terribly painful that must have been! And butterflies freak me out, too. All fluttery with those jittery legs...gives me the creeps.
Congrats on all the well deserved awards! They're always fun, aren't they?
@Nancy - Yeah, it was swollen shut. Not a pretty sight! ;) Oh, good. I knew I wasn't the only woman who dislikes those fluttery things! *grins* Thank you!
I am so jealous ;; I wish I had the Final Fantasy Fanfare for my phone! Though i would never get to use it since I don't do anything victorious!
Congrats on all your followers!
@Tiburon - Aww, you should try it. Find life's small victories in every day tasks. ;) Thank you!
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